Mini-LIM and Speakers Dinner

Most welcome to this years Mini-LIM and speakers Dinner on the Sunday before Passion for Projects Congress!

All volunteers in the PMI Sweden Chapter are welcome*

The Mini-LIM

This afternoon promises a series of engaging activities designed to contribute to yours, the volunteer's development, as well as in your regular professional roles. We will share PMI Sweden´s achievements and future plans, along with insights into the global initiatives of PMI. A distinguished speaker from PMI Global will provide invaluable perspectives.

Our personal development session will focus on self-leadership within a non-profit setting, and we'll also host team-building activities to strengthen our volunteer community.

Speakers Dinner

The board of PMI Sweden wishes to thank all volunteers for their contributions throughout the year with this dinner gathering.

Since several speakers from the upcoming congress will also attend the dinner, there will be plenty of opportunities for exciting discussions and networking in a pleasant and relaxed atmosphere.


The registration is open on our program page, remember you need to login to see these events.

* Travel and accommodation is at your own expense



Volunteer Management Team

Jens and Marian

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I PMI Sweden Chapter får projektledare möjlighet till
erfarenhetsutbyte, nätverksbyggande och vidareutbildning.

Project Management Institute Sweden Chapter

Postadress: Box 7380 S-103 91 Stockholm |

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