Nyhetsbrev Volontärer PMI SE 2017-6
Aktuella aktiviteter
Nätverksträff | Helsingborg
Nätverksträff | Jönköping
Seminarium | Lund
Nätverksträff | Lund
Nätverksträff | Göteborg
Nätverksträff |
Seminarium | Göteborg och digitalt
Konferens | Göteborg
Nätverksträff | Helsingborg
Webinar |
24-timmars racet
Två gånger om året samlar vi våra volontärer – det ena är inför Passion for Projects Congress – på söndag eftermiddag före kongressen – till mini-LIM och dels på hösten samlar vi nyckelpersoner till SLIM. LIM är pmi språk och står för Leadership Institute Meeting och är en del av PMIs internationella nätverkande. S:et i SLIM betyder Strategisk och kan beskrivas som ett 24 -timmars race av PMI kunskap, workshop för att erbjuda relevant medlemsvärde till våra medlemmar, nätverkande mellan volontärer i olika branches och arbetsområden. I år samlandes ett trettiotal personer på Göteborgs Central för detta race – den 13-14 oktober. Det var en bubblande gryta av skratt, nyfikenhet, passion, idéer, matnyttiga nya kunskaper och insikter – tack alla som deltog – snart kommer vi att vi att visa mer konkreta resultat. /Cecilia President
Jag vill tacka för all energi och glädje som ni delade med er på SLIM. Vi i brancherna delade idéer på vår workshop angående vårt erbjudande. Vi ser framför oss fler interaktiva event och andra typer av arbetsformer, tex bokcirklar och workshops. Vi hoppas även på mer samarbete mellan branscherna, och att lära känna varandra på SLIM är ett steg på den vägen.
/Katarina VP Branch South
The 24 hour race
Twice a year the PMI Sweden chapter gather the volunteers – the Sunday afternoon before Passion for Projects Congress – for a mini-LIM – and once more in the autumn for the SLIM – targeting key volunteers. LIM is PMI vocabulary and stands for Leadership Institute Meeting and is associated with PMI’s international networking The S in SLIM stands for Strategic and can be described as a 24 hour race of PMI knowledge, workshop on the concern of constantly delivering member value to our members, networking between volunteers in all brances and work areas. This year thirty people gathered in Göteborg Central Station for the race – October 13-14, 2017. It was a tasty stew of laughter, curiosity, passion, loads of ideas, new knowledge and insights – thank you all who participated – soon we will share some of the results of the race. /Cecilia President
I would like to thank everybody for the energy and joy you shared on SLIM. The Branch representatives held a workshop, where we discussed the Branch offering. We would like to se more of interactive events, for example book circles and workshops. We also look forward to more collaboration between branches, and learning to know each other at SLIM one step on the way.
/Katarina VP Branch South
PMI is an organization that to a treat extent relies on all its volunteers. Globally there are 6-7 thousand registered individuals and probably at least twice as many working within the PMI networks globally.
To give back to the volunteers, build knowledge and align strategy PMI organizes meetings for volunteers. Four times annually arrange the Leadership Institute Meeting, LIM. During spring, it is held in EMEA, autumn in North America and during winter in Latin America and Asia Pacific. 2017 the meetings were held in Rome and Chicago. PMI Sweden chapter usually attend the EMEA LIM with the full board, and occasionally with 1-2 persons at the NA LIM.
2017 PMI has launched a new strategic plan at the meeting in Rome. The main shift in the new plan is a clear focus upon individuals within the project management profession throughout their careers.
At the North America LIM in Chicago 1000+ volunteers participated representing chapters from almost 50 countries. Most participants were of course from the US. During the conference, there are usually 7-9 parallel session, covering topics from ethics behavior in projects, through using the PMI marketing platform to design thinking.
At the LIMs there is a good opportunity to meet with other volunteers from all over the world. Also, PMI staff and board of directors are available, throughout networking events.
/Mattias Georgson Petrén, Region Mentor
Liam Dillon, PMI Awards committee, Theresa Knudsen, board of directors and Mattias
I PMI Sweden Chapter får projektledare möjlighet till
erfarenhetsutbyte, nätverksbyggande och vidareutbildning.
Project Management Institute Sweden Chapter
Postadress: Box 7380 S-103 91 Stockholm
www.pmi-se.org | info@pmi-se.org
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