Responsive leadership for the digital era. To boost innovation, teamwork and speed
digital era brings tremendous change to the way we
lead organisations and projects. To be or not to be is the question for
many and organisations that succeed in building high performing teams
and an agile, fast way of working stand as winners. What type
of leadership is required in this digital, customer centric era? How do
you motivate and lead people to empower them to handle constant change
and innovation? Elin Wigant and Pernilla Dahlman from digital agency
Daresay shares their experience and ways of working.
Elin Wigant is a senior project manager 10+ years of experience
in project management and leadership and holds a MSc in Computer
Science. Working at Daresay she is responsible for the project
management team, with a specific focus on continuously improving the way
to execute projects.
Dahlman is the CEO of award winning digital agency Daresay. She
believes in humanistic and responsive leadership and the empowerment of
people to boost innovation. She was awarded CEO of the year 2015 by
leadership site and was finalist at Swedish Telecom Awards
2014 for Female Role Model of the Year.
Ort: Stockholm
Plats: Ludvigsbergsgatan 20, 118 23 Stockholm (Frontit)
När: 2017-09-26 (kl 17:30-19:30)Lägg till i din kalender
Typ: Seminarium
Kostnad: Gratis
Avbokningsbar: Nej
Antal bokade : 64/65
Aktivitetsansvarig: Linda Strömgård
PMI:s Talent Triangle

- Ways of Working0
- Power Skills2
- Business Acumen0
- Summa PDU2